NBI News on Quantum Physics
Quantum photonic researchers start new company, Sparrow Quantum
2016.05.27 -
Jan Thomsen in a new EU project on ultra-precise atomic clocks
2016.05.02 -
Superfast light source made from artificial atom
2016.04.26 -
Massive investment: From theoretical quantum physics to usable quantum technology
2016.04.07 -
Protected Majorana states for quantum information
2016.03.09 -
Physicist Peter Lodahl receives prestigious EliteForsk Award
2016.02.25 -
Mark Rudner receives ERC grant of nearly 12 million kroner
2015.11.25 -
Photons open the gateway for quantum networks
2015.10.23 -
Eugene Polzik receives ERC grant
2015.09.18 -
Viewpoint: Wiring Up Superconducting Qubits