NBI News on Quantum Physics
A quantum drum that stores quantum states for record-long times
2022.05.23 -
Innovative chip built by UCPH physicists resolves quantum headache
2021.10.28 -
New invention keeps qubits of light stable at room temperature
2021.06.17 -
Physics students train on IBM Quantum technology
2021.06.07 -
Two young researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute receive Villum Young Investigator grants
2021.01.25 -
Major breakthrough: Copenhagen researchers can now achieve 'quantum advantage'
2020.12.09 -
Photon turnstile brings order to light
2020.10.01 -
Quantum entanglement realized between distant large objects
2020.09.28 -
Microsoft and University of Copenhagen collaboration yields promising material for quantum computing
2020.09.15 -
Extracting order from a quantum measurement finally shown experimentally