Condensed Matter Seminar Series

 Pedro Ribeiro

University of Lisbon

Bias-Driven Quantum Matter 

This talk presents recent works on the phases of correlated quantum systems under applied bias conditions. I will first discuss a bias-driven transverse field Ising chain coupled to magnetic thermal reservoirs, where increasing the magnetization bias leads to a discontinuous jump in the magnetic order parameter, accompanied by a divergence in the correlation length. Next, I will examine the fate of the quasicondensed state of hard-core bosons in one dimension within an open-system setup, where two macroscopic leads are maintained at different chemical potentials. Finally, I will present a scenario involving the breakdown of a Mott insulator induced by chemical pressure in a paradigmatic model of interacting spinless fermions on a chain coupled to metallic leads. In this case, we find various current-carrying non-equilibrium phases, as well as instances of hysteretic behavior, sharp current onset, and negative differential conductance.