QDev Alumni

QDev Professors and Postdocs: Til toppen

Sepehr Ahmadi

Post-doctoral fellow

Fabio Ansaloni

Post-doctoral Fellow

Ajit Coimbatore Balram

Post-doctoral fellow

Abhishek Banerjee

Post-doctoral Fellow

Luca Felix Banszerus

Post-doctoral Fellow

Rajib Batabyal

Post-doctoral Fellow

Fabrizio Berritta

PhD Candidate

Daria Beznasiuk

Post-doctoral Fellow

Heorhii Bohuslavskyi

Post-doctoral Fellow

Jessica Bolinsson

Assistant Professor


Michele Burrello

Associate Professor

Damon Carrad

Post-doctoral Fellow

Lucas Casparis

Post-doctoral fellow

I-Ju Chen

Post-doctoral Fellow

Chia-Min Chung

Post-doctoral Fellow

Bill Coish


Malcolm Connolly

Post-doctoral fellow

Jeroen Danon

Post-doctoral fellow

Alisa Danilenko

Post-doctoral fellow

Joeri de Bruijckere

Post-doctoral Fellow

Mingtang Deng

Assistant Professor

Asbjørn Drachmann

Asbjørn Drachmann

Post-doctoral Fellow

Rasmus Edholm

Visiting Master Student

Oscar Erlandsson

Post-doctoral fellow

Antonio Fornieri

Post-doctoral fellow

Luca Galletti

Assistant Professor

Max Geier

Max Geier

Post-doctoral fellow

Kasper Grove-Rasmussen 

Associate Professor

Somya Gupta

Post-doctoral fellow

András Gyenis

Visiting Assistant Professor

Kjetil Hals

Post-doctoral fellow

Alexander Hamilton


Esben Bork Hansen

Post-doctoral fellow

Michael Hell

Post-doctoral fellow

Peter Hirschfeld

Visiting Professor

Jeppe Holm

Post-doctoral fellow

Anders Jellinggaard 

Post-doctoral fellow


Benjamin Joecker

Post-doctoral fellow

Sangeeth Kallat Sangeeth Kallatt

Post-doctoral fellow
Ervand Kandelaki

Post-doctoral fellow

Jung-Hyun (Jordan) Kang

Post-doctoral Fellow

Sabbir Khan

Post-doctoral Fellow

Morten Kjærgård

Post-doctoral fellow

Panagiotis Kotetes

Post-doctoral fellow

Anders Kringhøj

Post-doctoral Fellow

Martin Kühnel

Post-doctoral fellow

William Lawrie

Post-doctoral Fellow

Tommy Li

Post-doctoral fellow

Anders Mathias Lunde

Post-doctoral fellow

Filip Malinowski

Post-doctoral fellow

Andrea Maiani

Post-doctoral fellow

Esteban Martinez

Post-doctoral fellow

Frederico Martins

Post-doctoral fellow

Shunji Matsuura

Post-doctoral fellow

Robert McNeil

Post-doctoral fellow

Gerbold Ménard

Post-doctoral fellow

Gunjan Nagda

Gunjan Nagda

Post-doctoral Fellow

Frederik Nathan

Frederik Nathan

Post-doctoral Fellow

Hung Nguyen

Assistant Professor

Fabrizio Nichele

Assistant Professor

Peter Dahl Nissen

Post-doctoral fellow

Thomas Kanne Nordqvist

Assistant Professor

Eoin O'Farrell

Post-doctoral fellow

Karolis Parfeniukas

Post-doctoral Fellow

Felix Passmann

Post-doctoral Fellow

Karl Petersson

Associate Professor

Mohana Rajpalke

Post-doctoral fellow

Davydas Razmadze

Post-doctoral Fellow

Mark Rudner

Associate Professor

Andreas Simon Pöschl Andreas Simon Pöschl


Deividas Sabonis

Post-doctoral Fellow

Juan Carlos Estrada Saldaña

Assistant Professor

Nancy Sandler

Visiting Professor

Mike Alan Schecter

Post-doctoral fellow

Jens Schulenborg

Post-doctoral fellow

Mercè Roig I Server

PhD Candidate

Daniel Sherman

Post-doctoral fellow

Constantin Schrade

Constantin Schrade

Assistant Professor

Sergej Schuwalow

Post-doctoral Fellow

Olav Fredrik Syljuåsen

Visiting Professor

Rawa Tanta

Post-doctoral fellow

Agnieszka Telecka

Post-doctoral fellow

Felix Trier

Post-doctoral Fellow

Malvika Tripathi

Post-doctoral Fellow

Sergio Ulloa

Visiting Professor

Saulius Vaitiekėnas

Post-doctoral fellow

Evert van Nieuwenburg

Assistant Professor

David van Zanten

Assistant Professor

Alexandros Vekris

Alexandros Vekris

Post-doctoral Fellow

Christian Volk

Post-doctoral fellow

Matteo Wauters

Matteo Wauters

Post-doctoral Fellow

Sachin Yadav

Post-doctoral fellow

Jesús Herranz Zamorano

Post-doctoral Fellow

Xiaojing Zhao Xiaojing Zhao


QDev PhD and students:  Til toppen

Andoni Agirre

Andoni Agirre 

Master Student

Khalifah Alattallah

Khalifah Alattallah

Master Student

Laurits Andersen

Master Student

Gian-Luca Anselmetti

Master Student

Stavros Athanasiou

Stavros Athanasios 

Master Student

Lillian Austin

Master Student

Johannes Beil

Master Student

Fabrizio Berritta

PhD Candidate

Martin Bjergfelt

PhD Student

Anders Bjørlig

Master Student

Emil Boesen

Master Student

David Feldstein Bofill

PhD Candidate

Asger Bolet

Master Student

Anine Borger

Master Student

Clara Neerup Breiø

PhD Candidate

Simon Brink

Master Student

Patrick Vendelbo Brouer

Master Student

Sofus Budtz

Master Student

Magnus Bøe

Master Student

Charlotte Bøttcher

Bachelor Student

Martin Espiñeira Cachaza

PhD Candidate

Mustapha Carab

Bachelor Student

Willy Chang

PhD Student

José Manuel Chávez-Garcia

PhD Candidate

Erik Cheah

Master Student

Yan Chen

Master Student

Weiyuan Chen

Bachelor Student

Vivek Chidambaram

Visiting Student

Jacob Chittock-Wood

Visiting Student

Kasper Sangild Christensen

Visiting Master Student

Kasper Sangild Christensen

Visiting Master Student

Tobias Born Clausen

Bachelor Student

Rasmus T. Dahm

Master Student

Jonas Dalgaard

Bachelor Student

Jana Darulová

PhD Student

Mario Di Luca

Erasmus Trainee Student

Maria Efthymiou Tsironi

Maria Efthymiou-Tsironi

Visiting PhD

Emilie Mai Elkiær

Bachelor Student

Rasmus Skytte Eriksen

Bachelor Student

Ricci F. Erlandsen

Master Student

Federico Fedele

PhD Student

Daniel Emre Fogh

Daniel Emre Fogh

Bachelor Student

Felix Frohnert

Master student

Emil Jermiin Pedersen Frost

Emil Jermiin Pedersen Frost

Master Student

Erikas Gaidamauskas

PhD Student

Kian Gao

Master Student

Raffael Gawatz

PhD Candidate

Aske Gejl

Visiting PhD Student

Georgios Georgogiannis

Georgios Georgogiannis

Master Student

Leonie Veronique Goeb

Visiting Intern

Anne Grosch

Master Student

Carolina Gutiérrez

Bachelor Student

Emily Hajigeorgiou

Emily Hajigeorgiou

Master Student

Anika Haller

Master Student

Nikhil Harle

Visiting Student

Yue (Emma) He

Bachelor Student

Vita Heidari

Bachelor Student

Peder Heiselberg

Bachelor Student

Morten C. Hels

PhD Student

Søren Hemberg

Bachelor Student

Emil Hellebek

Emil Hellebek

Master Student

Albert Hertel

PhD Candidate

Amber Heskes

Visiting Master Student

Andrew Higginbotham

PhD Student

Laurens D. Holgaard

Master Student

Sebastian Husted

Bachelor Student

Thor Hvid-Olsen

Master Student

Bjarke G.S. Høgdall

Master Student

Laurits Moestrup Høgel

Master Student

Magnus Andreas P. Ibh

Master Student

Markus Emil Jacobsen

Bachelor Student

Elvira Caroline Jarmbæk Jacobsen

Master Student

Christoffer Mohr Jensen

Master Student

Mathias Rosdahl Jensen

Master Student

Andreas Svejgaard Jensen

Visiting Master Student

Shaowen Jiao

Shaowen Jiao

Master Student

Peter Johannsen

Peter Johannsen

Master Student

Magnus Jørck

Bachelor Student

Cecilia Yding Jørgensen

Master Student

Mads Jørgensen

Bachelor Student

Charline Kirchert

Master Student

Gediminas Kirsanskas

PhD Student

Veronica Kirsebom

Bachelor Student

Daniel Sandager Dragheim Kjær

Master Student

Elisabeth F. F. Knipschildt

Master Student

Bilal Kousar

Master Student

Anton Kovyakh

Master Student

Karsten P. Kreipke

Bachelor Student

Kaur Kristjuhan

Master Student

Filip Křížek

PhD Candidate

Peter Krogstrup


Mads Kruse

Master Student

Martin Kufahl

Master Student

Morten Kühnel

Master Student

Ida Vaaben Ladefoged

Master Student


Charalampos (Harry) Lampadaris

PhD Candidate

Kasper Langkjer

Bachelor Student

Agnete Garbrecht Larsen

Bachelor Student

Robert Larsen

Robert Garbrecht Larsen

Master Student

Thorvald Wadum Larsen

 PhD Student

Kasper Laursen

Masters Student

Lara Lausen

Lara Lausen

Master Student

Lars Lemming

Research Technician

Filippo Leverano

Filippo Leveraro

Master Student

Lingxiao Li

Master Student

qdev logo

Yongtao Li

Master Student

Oliver Liebe

Master Student

Xiangyu Lin

Master Student

Qiyu Liu

Qiyu Liu 

Master Student

Caroline Lindberg

PhD Student

Luca Lumia

Visiting Erasmus Student

Magnus Rønne Lykkegaard

Master Student

Jonas Skovlund Madsen

PhD Candidate

Christian B Madsen Christian B. Madsen

Bachelor Student

Karsten P. K. Madsen

Master Student

Morten Madsen

Masters Student

Morten Hannibal Madsen

PhD Student

qdev logo

Rasmus Bjerager Madsen

Master Student

Lorenzo Maffi

Post-doctoral Fellow

Andrea Maiani

PhD Student

Nikhil Niranjan Maka

Master Student

 Konstantins Mantulnikovs

Bachelor Student

Thomas Marangoni

 Master Student

Miķelis Marnauza

Master Student

Attila Márton

PhD Student

Kai Meinerz

Visiting PhD Student

Bruna de Mendonça

Visiting PhD Student

Jakob Meyer

Phd Student

August Edwards Mikkelsen

Master Student

Billy Lim Jun Ming

PhD Candidate

Jerome Thomas Mlack

PhD Student

Carlo Modica

Master Student

John Elkjær Montgomery

Master Student

Hadeel Moustafa

Bachelor Student

Morten Ib Kjærgaard Munk

PhD Candidate

Timo Mutas

Master Student

Amalie R. F. Mygind

Bachelor Student

Smitha Nair

Senior Research Associate

Mathias Nesheim

Master Student

Bjarke Rasmus Nicolajsen

Master Student

Ida Egholm Nielsen

PhD Student 

Nikolai Plambech Nielsen

Bachelor Student

Rasmus Østrup Nielsen

Bachelor Student

 Jens Rix Nikolajsen

Bachelor Student

Thue Nikolajsen Thue Nikolajsen

Master Student

Jens Nyhegn

Master Student

Liv Silje Staley Nørgaard

Master Student

 Mikkel Nørgaard

Bachelor Student

Nastasia Okulova

Master Student

Christian Olsen

Master Student

Dags Olsteins

PhD Student

Michael Spange Olsen

Bachelor student

Andreas Skriver Olsen

Andreas S. Olsen

Master Student

Morten Olsen

Master Student

Jacob Ovesen

Master Student

Yueting Pan

Visiting PhD

 Michael Pepke Pedersen

Bachelor student

qdev logo

Markus Nygaard Pedersen

Master Student

Oskar Leiva Perstølen

Master student 

Christian Emanuel Noes Petersen

Master student

Federico Poggiali

Master student

Elias Portolés

Visiting Student

Guenevere PrawiroAtmodjo

PhD Student

Denise Puglia

Master Student

Jørgen Holme Qvist

Visiting PhD Student

Laust Raahauge

Bachelor Student

Ahnaf Rahman

Master Student

Asbjørn Rasmussen

Master Student

Katrine Rasmussen

Master Student

Nina Rasmussen

Master Student

Thor B. Rasmussen

Bachelor Student

Torbjørn Raasø Rasmussen

Master Student

Daniel Raymar

Bachelor Student

Alec Romagosa

Master Student

Emil Mathias Krogstrup Rødbro

Bachelor Student

 Jason Alexander Røhr

Bachelor Student

Henrik Røising

Post-doctoral Fellow

Pedram Sadeghi

Bachelor Student

David Sallam

Master Student

Samuel Sanchez

PhD Student

Daniel S. Sanchez

PhD Candidate

Alexander Schierbeck-Hansen

Master Student

Rasmus D. Schlosser

Master Student

Barbara Mønstedt Schmidt

Bachelor Student

Oliver Schwarze Holmegaard

Oliver Holmegaard Schwarze

Master Student

Marius Simonsen

Master Student

Oliver Solow

Oliver Ovsée Laub Solow

Master Student

Kay Yunqi Song

Bachelor Student

Victoria Sosnovtseva

Master Student

Judith Suter

Master Student

Lukas Stampfer

PhD Candidate

Daniel Steffensen

Bachelor Student

Gorm Ole Steffensen

PhD Candidate

Sigurd Storgaard

Bachelor Student

Zhenhai Sun

PhD Student

Henri Suominen

PhD Student

Waldemar Svejstrup

Master Student

Tobias Særkjær

PhD Candidate

Carlos Ortega Taberner

Master Student

Felix Trier

PhD Student

Iason Tsiamis

Bachelor Student

Peter Røhr Tunstall

Master Student

Michelle Mary Turley

Master Student

Giulio Ungaretti

Master Student

Shivendra Upadhyay

PhD Student

May An van de Poll

Research Assistant

 Joost van der Hoff

Bachelor Student

Matej Veis

Master Student

Anders Vesti

Master Student

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Magnus Staal Vigsø

Master Student

Jonas Vinther

Master Student

Mads von Borries

Bachelor Student

Merlin von Soosten

PhD Candidate

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Chaoyue Wang

Master Student

Loui Nørgaard Wentzel

Bachelor Student

Konrad Wölms

PhD Student

Frederik K. Wolff

Bachelor Student

James Xu

Master Student

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Johanna Zeis

Master Student

Steffen Zelzer

PhD Candidate

Yaqi Zhang

Yaqi Zhang

Master Student

Nino Ziino

Master Student

Kian Gao Zheming

Master Student

Anton Zubchenko

Anton Zubchenko

Master Student

Anna Torp Åkesson

Anna Torp Åkesson

Master Student