QDev Seminar: Uri Vool

Department of Applied Physics, Yale University

Artificial atoms and quantum operations in driven superconducting circuits

Superconducting circuits are assembled from a quantum electrodynamic construction set in which the building blocks are linear capacitors and inductors, as well Josephson tunnel junctions which play the role of non-linear inductors. The effective quantum system spanned by the lowest excitations of a superconducting circuit is often called an “artificial atom”. With the increasing variety and complexity of our circuits, and the addition of drives and dissipative elements, it may eventually be possible to “write” an arbitrary Hamiltonian into a circuit. In this talk I will give a very brief review of the construction and measurement of artificial atoms using superconducting circuits, and describe a recent driven-dissipative scheme to engineer dissipation and measurement of the transverse () component of a qubit.